POW Born to Catch [29.09.2018]


Singles Match
Chris Raaber vs. Nik Hellström

Tag-Team Match
Team Turbulence (Tommy Tornado & Tommy Torpedo) vs. Jonny Storm & Rockn Rolla

Singles Match
James Mason vs. Hakeem Waqur

Singles Match
Dennis Zinner vs. Bobby Gunns

Tag-Team Match
Brody Steele & Michael Kovac vs. Demolition Davies & Tiny Iron

POW Intercontinental Title Match
Bad Bones vs. Chris Colen


Genres: Wrestling
Duration: 1 hour 26 minutes
Kommentar: Ben Böseler
Kamera & Schnitt: Independent Entertainment GmbH

Event: Born to Catch
Location: Pier 2 Bremen
Datum: 29.09.2018